Augustin Burchell


Hi, I'm Gus! This is the living workspace that I call my website.

I am a recent graduate of Swarthmore College Class of 2020, where I double majored in Computer Science and Cognitive Science. While on campus I took part in the improv comedy group, Vertigo-go, as well as dabbling in student government and the outdoorsing group, The Outsiders.

I enjoy learning about the interfacing of humanity and technology, and am fascinated by narrative, useful abstractions, and the potential for technology to be magical. I'm always up for learning more about design, human-computer interaction, or data visualization, as well as developing normative stances about how technology ought to be used responsibly.

During the summer of 2019 I explored the world of education through the Teaching Experiences for Undergraduates (TEU) program at Trinity College. In this program, a group of fellow undergraduate interns and I did our best to get a group of rising highschool sophomores excited about science and inquiry by facilitating a summer science program. I encourage you to check out the program, and apply for this year's program if you're interested!

I am also a research assistant in Denis Pelli's Object Recognition lab at New York University's Department of Psychology. My adventure into the world of vision science has been truly eye-opening, and has given me the opportunity to have my visual cortex retinotopically mapped using fMRI, delve headfirst into statistical analysis and data visualization, and present a talk about the possible link between the phenomenon of crowding and the size of various visual cortex areas at the Vision Science Society's (VSS) 2019 annual meeting.