Augustin Burchell

To Disappear

09 Oct 2018

I would quite like the ability to turn invisible.

Like in the movies,

with the superhero or the supervillian

or unsuspecting bystander to a freak accident in a lab full of nuclearly-engineered chameleons

or what have you,

who one moment is there

and the next is not.

Not a lot but not squat I have the thought

What if I were not.

What if I let

all that light, incessently bouncing off my skin and clothes and reflecting off my glasses

and asklessly bombarding your senses

pass through me

and right on out

to the rest of the world.

Let something someone else make that bold intrusion.

I’m not picky though, about my request.

I honestly wouldn’t even mind some “I can still see your clothes” technicality,

if that’s what it took.

Sure, I’d have to get used to the breeze

and maybe run up stairs a little more cautiously but

at that point I’d be no worse for less wear.

I’ll give it to you, winter would be tough.

Cold and all.

But then I’d just bundle up,

Laces of clunky boots pulled taut and

Heavy, obfuscating coats pulled tight and

Chunky stocking caps pulled low and

Suffocating scarves pulled high and

no one would be able to see me at all and

I would disappear.

That seems alright to me.