Augustin Burchell

Thinking again about thinking about time

08 Jul 2020

Is it better to maximize for now, or minimize our lowest future point.

I wrote some time ago, in a rather scatter-brain fashion, about our relationship with time. Due to my lack of coherence, I don't feel satisfied with the musings. I return to the matter here, with the aim of being more straight to the point, to question whether it is better to work as hard as possible to make life as good as possible for oneself in the current moment, or to set in place a higher -- if only slightly -- minimum quality of life for the future.

To characterize this first proposition, consider renting a beautiful apartment in the West Village. For the second, consider buying a small plot of land, largely undeveloped but with cheap taxes and some route toward basic survival, such as a well and vegetable garden, already in place.